We thought we'd send one last update out to y'all before we head out to Seattle for this year's PAX Prime! Once again we remind you that we'll be at our booth there all weekend, August 28-31, on the top floor (Booth 6509)! And definitely don't forget our MEGA64 PANEL this Friday evening at 6PM in the Wyvern Theater! Our panels are always a blast and we've got a lot of crazy stuff to show you. Do not miss it.
As for what we'll have at our booth- we will be carrying all our biggest merch of the summer (The Charm shirt, snapback hats, new Cali 64 shirts, Con Exclusive Blu Rays and Neon Elite shirts, plus much more). But in addition to all that, we're pleased to show you our new PAX 2015 Exclusive poster by our good friend and infamous cartoonist Max Gilardi (AKA Hotdiggedydemon!)
This Gamecrypt goth-themed poster will be available exclusively at our PAX booth, so be sure to stop by to get that and all the other stuff. And as always, we'll be there just to say hi or take pictures as well! Come on down anytime. Hope to see you all in Seattle this weekend!