PRE-ORDER STATUS Last Updated 2/2/25
These are the general statuses of some of our outstanding items. If you have any questions that are more specific or just not addressed here, you can always throw us an email at [email protected]!
64X 2024 A lot of outstanding 64X 2024 already shipped, but the rest will ship this coming week.
Interactive Hell Festival 2024 Whatever hasn’t shipped from this event will ship out this week too (we only recently discovered the Hell Bat hats never arrived over the holidays, but we have them now so it’s all shipping out ASAP)
Gamer Warz Gamer Warz Blu-rays (And Gamer Warrior Bundles) will start shipping later this week!
Mega64 Tricksters in Time With lots to process this month, this is looking like a March release. Stay tuned!
Black Friday 2024 Preorders Most of this already shipped out, except if it’s tied to a Tricksters In Time Blu-Ray (see above) or the Short Circuit jacket. The Short Circuit jackets are expected to be in-house and ready to ship out by late February- we will keep everyone posted!
Patreon Physical Gifts We know these are HELLA behind, but it literally got to a point where the cost/quantity of shipping these gifts out would have sank Mega64 into oblivion. However, we are comitted to say THANK YOU to those who have supported us in trying times. The promised cassette tapes will be done manufacturing soon and will go out whenever we get the other accompanying items hopefully in the next month or two!